
Commentary Search

  • 18th Air Force Commander's Intent

    Mobility Airmen,The men and women of 18th Air Force, Air Mobility Command and the Air Force serve our nation on the foundation of our core values; integrity, service and excellence. Those who have come before us have taught us there is no replacement for virtue, character, dignity and respect. This holds true for today's Airmen as well, and if we
  • Role of an inspector general

    The U.S. Air Force Inspector General's Office was created by the Air Force Chief of Staff, General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in January 1948. He outlined the IG's mission as "Determining the combat and logistic effectiveness of the Air Force, insuring the maintenance of discipline and security, and investigating matters involving crime and other
  • Labor Day the safe way

    As the summer season comes to an end, many people see Labor Day as the last opportunity to hit the lakes or pools before the cooler temperatures set in. This is a weekend where many take vacation to visit the beach or local lakes to soak up the last of the summer sun and enjoy fun times with family and friends. According to Phil Hansen, Regional
  • Every Airman Plays a Role

    A small piece of a rotor from the high pressure compressor in an F-16 Fighting Falcon jet engine has a crack. It eventually breaks from fatigue with aircraft and pilot in flight. This small piece could have potentially departed the jet without further damage - but not today. The cracked rotor piece severs a fuel line, causing fuel to leak. The
  • Thoughts on the Air Force Core Values

    Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence in All We Do. Most of us have had the Air Force core values instilled in us since we came through basic military training or its officer equivalent. I still have my original copy of the "Little Blue Book" I was given in the Reserve Officer training Corps that provides a detailed breakdown of the core
  • Outlasting the summer: tips on heat stress

    It's summertime, the season of cookouts, swimming pools and outdoor fun. Along with these activities come the dangers of extreme heat.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, extreme heat causes an average of 658 deaths annually in the United States, which is more than tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and lightning combined.Heat
  • Coming together to make a difference, the impact could reach farther than expected

    Retired Army Lt. Gen. Hal Moore once said, "Purpose is calling you from under rocks and in the hearts and souls of others. Someone out there needs you more than you need them." Most of us underestimate the impact we have on others and we often take for granted the things we do or accomplish and brush it off as just another day's work. We're in the
  • Perscriptions made easy: TRICARE pharmacy home delivery program saves time, money

    Going to the pharmacy to have your prescription filled can take some planning. You have to determine how much time to dedicate to visit and how much money you may need to pick up your medication. Even going to the local Medical Treatment Facility pharmacy will at least cost you some gas from driving to and from home. This is why the TRICARE
  • Independence Day – Bold and Innovative Leadership

    As we take a moment to spend time with family and friends over the long holiday weekend, let us not forget what Independence Day truly represents-the birth of our great nation, as bold leaders stood up and declared our independence.     Our nation fought for and declared its independence 238 years ago, paving the way for the freedoms we still
  • Eighteenth Air Force commander's intent

    Ours is a time of great challenge and great opportunity - there has never been a more important time to lead our Airmen. During this time, I need each Airman in the 18th Air Force to lead with their sights clearly set on our mission and our people, while ensuring an environment of integrity where everyone can contribute to their maximum potential.