22nd Director of Staff Airman earns spotlight performer

MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- -- As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.

Staff Sgt. Christina Begeal, 22nd Air Refueling Wing Community Support Coordinator administrator, was selected as the spotlight performer for the week of Nov. 16 through 22.

Begeal, a Houston, Texas native, joined the Air Force in February 2009 and has been a member of Team McConnell since October 2009.

As a Community Support Coordinator administrator, she assists the community support coordinator and base helping agencies with all of the programs that foster community development. When she's not on duty, she enjoys watching movies, working out, cooking, playing sports, writing poetry, volunteering and making people laugh.

"Begeal is worthy of this spotlight because she is an NCO that puts everything she has into making herself and others better," said Ron Draper, 22nd ARW Community Support coordinator. "As the Community Support Coordinator administrator she has her finger on the pulse of the community and is assisting our helping agencies to make life better for our Airmen and their families here at McConnell."

Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
The most influential person in my life is my mother.  While my childhood was difficult, she was a constant and anchoring presence in my life, providing love, guidance and support. My mother is an incredible woman, and I strive to be more like her. I hope to live up to the fantastic example she has set.

If you could give advice to a new Airman, what would it be and why?
There are a few things I would tell a new Airman, but I think the most important is to find a great mentor. Reflecting on my career, I believe I am where I am today due to amazing mentors. A mentor can help improve your skills, guide you in career decisions and develop you as an Airman. He or she will also be supportive during good and bad times and hold you accountable if you fall off course. They will push you to be better, step out of your comfort zone and become a well-rounded individual. Make sure you choose someone who wants to be a mentor and who portrays our Air Force core values. Not everyone wants to be a mentor and if you choose someone who does not live by the core values, that will not be a productive relationship.

What is one goal that you have already accomplished, or would like to accomplish, during your Air Force career?
I have a daily goal of taking care of Airmen and being supportive. Airmen are our future and it is important that we make the investment to develop them. If we do not invest the time now, we are   short changing ourselves in the long run and missing out on the chance to grow a new generation of caring leaders.

Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
I would have to say Cozumel, Mexico. I had the opportunity to try new things, such as snorkeling, sampling the local cuisine, learning the history and culture of the region, shopping and risking my life as a passenger in a cab with an erratic driver.

If you had the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
The person I would like to meet is not alive anymore, but I would have loved to have met my maternal grandmother. I have heard so many wonderful stories about her. I regret not having the opportunity to spend time with her.