McConnell AFB COVID-19 Policy

Current Information

  • For information about COVID-19 cases click here.
  • McConnell AFB has moved into HPCON ALPHA, click here for more information.
  • For travel and related exposure click here to learn more about Kansas department of health and environment procedures.
  • For local info visit sedgwickcounty.org
If you develop flu-like symptoms with fever, cough or shortness of breath and are concerned that you may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your health care provider before reporting to the medical group. Call 316-759-6300

We will continue to partner with local agencies to ensure the safety and welfare of our force and families. For the latest updates, visit cdc.gov


General COVID-19 information

COVID-19 travel restrictions

DoD COVID-19 Travel Information App

(CAC access required/recommend Google Chrome for DoD App)

School Information

What You Need To Know