22nd ARW commander enjoys fun run

  • Published
  • By Col. Jaime Crowhurst
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing commander
Team McConnell (Airpower!!!),

We're half way through the Critical Days of Summer and you've been doing a great job of making good decisions and staying safe. Yesterday morning nearly 200 of us got to run through the Krueger Recreation Area and my hat's off to the 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron for putting on our best monthly fun run to date. Hopefully, those who participated also noticed all the work 22nd Force Support Squadron (Outdoor Rec) and 22nd CES are doing to maintain and expand the KRA. Today, the 22nd Logistic Readiness Squadron and 22nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron are having Squadron picnics out there and with two more months of summer, there's still time to get out and have some fun together. It's good for us to get together as units or small groups because it's an important part of maintaining our "social fitness" as Airmen.

Another area where we're developing our "social fitness" is through the use of network capabilities like Facebook. Many of you use social networks to stay connected to family, friends and loved ones, and I learned today that even our Chief of Staff's wife, Mrs. Suzie Schwartz ,has her own official Facebook page. As the Air Force expands our access to social networking on government computers, it is important to remember to conduct ourselves professionally. Additionally, we need to always remember operations security and not share details pertaining to our deployed locations or official use only unit information. Air Mobility Command has published some good guidance for us that I encourage you to read. If you have further questions, ask your supervisor, unit OPSEC manager, or Public Affairs office.

Finally, as I mentioned last week, several of you asked questions at my CC calls and answers to those questions are posted on our Public Website and our Facebook Page. Below is information on some upcoming events. Thanks for what you do everyday serving our Air Force! Have a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Col C

. July 22 - Rock River Rapids (Free Day)
. July 24 - Sesame Street USO Tour (Free
. Aug. 2 - Happy Hour with Bernie McGrenahan
. Aug. 6 - SNCO Induction Ceremony (RSVP no later than July  29)

Rock River Rapids
Team McConnell members are invited July 22 from 12:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. to Rock River Rapids in Derby, Kan. at 1900 East James Street and Rock Road. All active duty, Guard Reserve, DOD civilians, retirees and immediate family members of Team McConnell will be admitted free. Members must show their military identification card at the pass gate to get in.  Dependents without a military ID card must be accompanied by a parent or sibling with ID card. For more information, call 759-6020 or visit http://www.derbyrec.com/rockriverrapids.htm.

The Sesame Street/USO Experience for Military Families
Military families are invited to a free live USO sponsored Sesame Street Live performance at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. July 24 at the Robert J. Dole Center Ballroom.  The performances are 25 minutes long and doors will open 30 minutes prior to the show. This show is the latest project in the Talk, Listen, Connect initiative, which provides support and offers resources for military families with young children who are experiencing the effects of deployment, multiple deployments or when a parent comes home injured. For more information, visit www.RefuelMcConnell.com.

Happy Hour with Bernie McGrenahan
The McIDS is hosting two showings of Bernie's very unique Comedy Show at 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.  Aug. 2 at the Robert J. Dole Center Ballroom.  The show is recommended for members ages 16 to 25.  Mr. McGrenahan is a nationally recognized stand-up comic with a great message.

2010 Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Induction ceremony
The 2010 Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Induction ceremony is scheduled to begin at  6:30 p.m. Aug. 6  at the Robert J. Dole Center Ballroom.  For more details and to RSVP by July 29, click the following link: https://einvitations.afit.edu/SNCOInduction2010664/anim.cfm (negative RSVPs not required). Cancellations must occur by the RSVP cutoff date of July 29.  Questions, please call/email the POCs: Master Sgt. Yolanda Schafer (316) 759-4336 or Master Sgt. Kelly Pearson (316) 759-3687.