Don't discount base appearance Published April 1, 2013 By Stephen Matthews 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- Most folks visiting McConnell AFB for the first time are quite surprised at what they find - the Air Force's best kept secret and hidden gem in the center of this great country of ours. You have to admit, we have one of the nicest-looking installations in Air Mobility Command. It takes a lot of hard work and a fair amount of money to pull this off, but the results absolutely show; however, do you realize that we can even do better, at the low, low price of free? All it takes is a small amount of effort from you. For instance, while the windy conditions here are great for getting our planes off the ground, they wreak havoc on base appearance. Here's where you come in - close your dumpsters, don't overfill outdoor trash cans, keep trash out of the back of your pickup truck and never walk past a piece of trash. Pause and take a look at the front of your workplace facility or your house. What do you see? Does it look unkempt, dirty or cluttered? Take a little time to spruce it up and make a personal statement that reflects on you, your organization or your family. It only takes a few moments to demonstrate your pride in where you live, work and play. I guarantee people will notice your actions and commitment to "Excellence In All You Do," and this base will shine for our Airmen and families. Don't discount the importance of base appearance. It consciously and subconsciously makes us feel better about our community, and proclaims to the world exactly what kind of standards Team McConnell lives up to. Let's keep this diamond sparkling!