Where's my profile? Published Oct. 6, 2011 By Lt. Col. Jeffrey Freeland 22nd Aerospace Medical Squadron commander MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- Military physicians use a profile or Duty Limiting Condition, Form 469, to communicate duty restrictions to patient supervisors. This form may include work, mobility or fitness restrictions. The profile is also used to communicate with the Health and Wellness Center exercise physiologist so they can develop an exercise prescription on Form 422. The exercise prescription is used by physical training leaders and the fitness assessment cell to guide safe fitness instruction and testing. Active duty members who develop injuries, or medical problems that affect performance of their duties, should see their military provider. Together, the patient and physician develop duty restriction recommendations to help prevent further injury and facilitate healing. These duty restrictions are written on Form 469. The profile is reviewed by Force Health Protection and a profile officer to ensure accuracy and quality. Completed forms are then sent to unit commanders, unit deployment managers, and unit fitness program managers. A profile can also be used to communicate safety information. A physician may recommend an individual be restricted from driving or operating heavy machinery because of a sedating medication. Patients with vertigo should not climb ladders or work on high platforms. Pregnant women should avoid chemicals and radiation that might affect their baby. All these recommendations are communicated through the profile. The profile officer is a physician with experience in military and occupational health. They review and approve all profiles. They also identify those active duty members with disqualifying medical conditions which are referred to the Medical Evaluation Board. The profile officer may also recommend injured or ill Airmen be restricted from deployment duties. To deploy, Airmen must meet the following physical criteria: - Lift more than 40 pounds - Run at least 100 yards - Safely wear all required load-bearing equipment - Fire a weapon - Wear a gas mask - See and hear safely - Be mentally stable All profiles are also sent to the HAWC exercise physiologist. The physiologist uses the information to create an exercise prescription on Form 422. All Airmen on a profile for more than 30 days are required to meet with the exercise physiologist and develop a personal exercise program to help maintain fitness during medical recovery. The exercise physiologist also uses the information to determine U.S. Air Force fitness testing component restrictions. Copies of profile Forms 469 and 422 are sent to the active duty member's unit deployment manager, unit fitness program manager, and all commander designees. Airmen may pick up the final official copy of their profile from one of these unit members. All commander designees receive Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training to ensure medical issues are kept private. The FAC uses the fitness test restrictions on the Form 422 to determine which parts of the USAF Fitness Test can be safely evaluated. The FAC will not allow an Airman with physical limitations to test without a current signed Form 422. It can take five to seven days for a profile to go through the system. Do not wait until the day before your fitness test or deployment to update your profile.