Step back and re-evaluate: What can I do to fix this?

08/14/2009 -- Too often we fall into the habit of doing things the way we have always done them. Every once in a while it's important to step back from the process and re-evaluate what we do, how we do it and why we do it. 

It's so easy to maintain the status quo. Without periodic re-evaluation, we might just miss out on some great opportunities to do our jobs better and faster, as well as provide even better service to our customers.   

Take some time this week to take a fresh look at the processes you complete on a daily basis in your work center. Are they done the current way because it's the letter of the law, or is it perhaps due to the personal opinion of someone who has long since left the work center? If the latter is true, look for ways you can shape the program to better suit today's challenges. Take ownership of your programs and processes, and really make them yours. 

While you're looking at your processes always ask, "What can I do to fix this?" It's far too easy to fall into the trap of asking the wrong questions, wondering when "they" will fix things. 

Part of taking ownership is taking responsibility and not expecting someone else to fix what's broken or to complete whatever needs to be done. You can't control what others will or won't do, but you can decide that you'll be the one to step up and do what needs to be done.

Find ways to do things more affordably, look for ways to make your customer happier, and search for fixes that will make your job easier. 

Don't be afraid to try a new idea out, even though sometimes it might not work out quite as planned. Use each lesson you learn as you attack the next process and soon your successes will far outweigh the "oops" moments.