Services: You own it, invest in it

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Scott Meeker
  • 22nd Services Squadron commander
Now, you can say you've seen it all - after receiving this investment advice from the 22nd Services Squadron commander.

Did you know you are a major shareholder in a multi-million dollar company?

"But, wait," you say. "I have never even bought any stock. How can I be a shareholder? What's the company name? What the nature of their business?"

Well, let me explain.

You are a shareholder in the 22nd Services Squadron. The nature of our business can be found in our vision statement, which states: "The 22d Services Squadron embraces the Air Force core values and provides superior programs to our guests with service that exceeds their expectations. Whether they are at home or deployed, we do this with passion because we know our programs enhance quality of life, facilitate unit cohesion and thereby enable the fulfillment of higher echelon missions."

If you think about it we are very much like most companies in the public sector. We have marketing, accounting and human resources departments. We operate in the service sector providing many different services for Team McConnell, such as golfing, bowling, travel, dining, entertainment, outdoor recreation, automotive, woodworking, arts and crafts, veterinary, library and childcare. All of these activities contribute to the morale, welfare and recreation fund, which is much like a mutual fund, where the performance of individual companies work together to increase shareholder value without the risk associated with owning stock from any one company.

Like most companies, we are in the profit-making business. We have profit goals and standards set for us by Air Mobility Command and the Air Force. Like other companies, our profits serve to increase value to shareholders. In most companies, a portion of the profits are reinvested in the company, so it can continue to be profitable.

Sometimes this involves investing in research, technology, maintenance, repair or the purchase of equipment, training, etc. After reinvesting in itself, the company then returns any remaining profits over to the shareholders for distribution in the form of dividends. If the company is just getting started, or is growing significantly, all of the profits may be reinvested in the company, and there may be nothing leftover to distribute to the shareholders.

In many ways, the 22nd Services Squadron is like a company that pays no dividends. In fact, we reinvest the profits from your patronage back into the businesses we operate as a service to you, the shareholder. In the past year, we've purchased and installed new sprinkler heads on the golf course. These sprinklers put more water on the course, which made the course more playable and lowered our water cost because more water was going onto the course instead of into the Kansas wind. Another investment we made was the new detail center at the carwash.

Another similarity between services and companies in the public sector is we both have an executive board of directors. The purpose of this board is to represent the shareholders, oversee the company's operation and ensure it is acting in the best interest of the shareholders. We also have an executive board; it's called the Non-appropriated Fund Council. The NAF Council meets quarterly to review past financial performance, approve forecasted budgets and approve capital investments.

The council met in February and approved the following purchases:
- $22,000 for new carpeting in Signatures and the officer and enlisted lounges
- $24,000 for a new engraver at the skills development center
- $7,500 for a fryer in the bowling alley.

So, now that you know a little more about the company you own, I ask you as a shareholder to consider this: every time you use a services activity at the club, the golf course, the bowling center, Information, Tickets and Tours, outdoor recreation and the skills development center, you are investing in your company.

All of the investments you make will be returned to you in the form of better products and services. If you're not happy with the product or service we are currently providing, please tell us by filling out a customer comment card or visit the interactive customer comment Web site at Or, you can speak directly with the activity manager. Thanks for your support; invest wisely.