Wingman Day

MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- Many people may ask "What is Wingman Day all about?"

This is a day that the Air Force and McConnell AFB has set aside to focus on you, the Airman, and the camaraderie that we all share.

This concept of having a wingman goes all the way back to World War I when we first started using planes in combat. Both the Allies and Axis air forces used the concept of never going up alone into dog fight.

The pilots always had a wingman to cover their back, or six. This tradition has carried on to today. We are all wingmen and should watch each other's six. This means when our buddies have had too much to drink we don't let them drive, or when our buddies do something awesome, like win an award, we congratulate them. This is what being a wingman is all about.

The "wingman concept" is many times misconstrued as only being needed in bad situations, but the truth is far from that.

We need to be supporting our wingmen in the good and bad times. Sometimes putting in a little extra effort during the good times can help keep the bad times at bay. It is during the bad times that a wingman is most needed though, whether it is to drag them out of the trouble or guide them through the mess of life.

The "wingman concept" can be used each and every day and can be used by flyers and non-flyers alike. Phil Jackson, a well known NBA coach, said, "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team."

Having a Wingman can be the best feeling ever, knowing that someone will always have your back and that together the team can accomplish any mission.

Wingman Day will be held on August 16, 2013. The day will consist of a briefing by, Col. Joel Jackson, 22nd Air Refueling Wing Commander, where he will present his goals and ideas for McConnell AFB for the next two years as we get ready to continue an old mission with a new plane.

There will also be classes available focusing on each of these four areas; mental, spiritual, social, and physical fitness. Classes will last about 50 minutes and provide the insight needed to be the best wingman you can be. There will also be events held by each individual group and squadron.

Take this day as an opportunity to build up that camaraderie and the wingman concept within each of your groups. We always hear that we should apply the wingman concept and that we should be watching each other's back. This means we should be paying attention to our fellow Airman's mental, spiritual, social, and fitness well being.

Each of us is called to be mentally, physically, and spiritually ready to accomplish any mission on the globe in the defense of our great nation and the freedoms of those around the world.

Wingman Day will give you and your fellow Airman the chance to focus on these four areas together and learn more about each other and yourself. It will also provide you and your wingmen a chance to learn how to better prepare and be ready to face any mission head on no matter the circumstances.

This is our calling; no matter what your Air Force Specialty Code is, we are all Airmen first.