MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.
Staff Sgt. Josh Garrett, 350th Air Refueling Squadron instructor boom operator, received the spotlight performer for the week of March 27-31.
Garrett’s duties include teaching Mission Certification Training students and those going to instructor boom school so they are as prepared as they can be. This carries over in his duties in the training flight, where his attention to detail ensures that the squadron is compliant and current with all regulations and technical order guidance.
On a recent mission, Garrett assisted Space Available passengers, a spouse with six kids, who were returning from spending time with their husband and father, Lt. Col. Curtis Stauffer, a pilot assigned to the 725th Air Mobility Squadron, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, who was on temporary duty at Rota Naval Station, Spain.
“Staff Sgt. Garrett went above and beyond to take care of these Space A passengers, not only on the flight, but also after landing,” said Stauffer. “One of my kids left a book on the plane and he went and tracked them down to return the book, even though all he had left to do was to return to his own family. He put aside his personal needs to assist others. He is living the Air Force Core Values.”
Garrett, a Bossier City, Louisiana, native, joined the Air Force in December 2010 and started working at McConnell in October 2011. Garett has a wife and a son. His hobbies include watching movies and hanging out with family and friends.
Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
My parents’ upbringing has greatly influenced my life, because they’ve always been there for me. I’ve always been able to count on them for advice.
If you could give advice to a new Airman, what would it be and why?
Give a little bit of effort in doing your job. A little bit extra goes a long way if everyone contributes.
What is one goal that you have already accomplished, or would like to accomplish, during your Air Force career?
I was never going to join the military. When I resorted to enlisting, my mantra was ‘I need this,’ and I wouldn’t let anything stand in my way. As far as my goals for the Air Force, I needed to stay in to provide for my family. The next thing that may have prevented me from staying in was getting close to my tenure and needing to promote. So I finally made sergeant, and here I am. My goals are ever changing, but central to them all is the necessity to support my family.
Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
The Rock of Gibraltar was the coolest place to me, due to being on British territory, looking at Spain in one direction, and Africa in the other direction.
If you had the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
If I had the opportunity to meet anyone, it might have been my late grandfather. While he was alive, I never got to know him because I was too young.