• Bioenvironmental tests the water

    Airman 1st Class Ronald Smith, 22nd Operational Medical Readiness Squadron bioenvironmental engineering technician, performs water-quality tests March 3, 2021, at McConnell Air Force Base Kansas. Bioenvironmental Airmen are responsible for minimizing environmental health hazards in the workplace and

  • Just roll with it

    Tech. Sgt. David Ferricher, 22nd Maintenance Squadron metals technician, attends a foam rolling class March 3, 2021, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The physical therapy clinic at McConnell offers Airmen the opportunity to attend a free foam rolling class every Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. (U.S. Air

  • A Day at the Lab

    Staff Sgt. Maria Sibert, 22nd Medical Support Squadron lab technician, cleans a chemistry analyzer July 20, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The chemistry analyzer tests plasma samples for abnormalities such as high or low cholesterol, electrolytes, thyroid hormones and diabetes. (U.S. Air

  • Through McConnell’s eyes

    Staff Sgt. Aaron Prevost, 22nd Operational Medical Readiness Squadron noncommissioned officer-in-charge optometry, performs a routine eye exam on Senior Airman Mitchel Delfosse, 22nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron electrical environmental system journeyman, Jan. 30, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base,