• 101 Critical Days of Summer defending the Human Weapon System

    The 101 Critical Days of Summer begins on Memorial Day weekend and continues through Labor Day weekend. During this timeframe Airmen, and Guardians tend to participate more in outdoor activities, take time to travel, barbeque with friends and explore new things over a season that has historically

  • Fireworks, flames and safety

    The Fourth of July is celebrated annually through traditions such as barbeques, parties and fireworks, however, it is also a prime time for unnecessary injuries.

  • Safety powered through Innovation

    Airman 1st Class Colton Walls, 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron electrical power production technician, developed a tool at the McConnell Innovation Lab that will increase the safety measures for CES Airmen performing rapid airfield damage repair.

  • Gotta catch ‘em all!

    Recently, there have been increased reports of wild creatures roaming around the base. Predominant sightings include near the airfield park, the Chapel and around the running path.  Personnel are advised to use caution as they approach the creatures so as not to startle them as they throw their