The breakfast club

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Armando A. Schwier-Morales
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Approximately 25 Airman Leadership School students were lured by the smell of home cooked pancakes, fresh eggs and juice to the wing commander's house, but the breakfast was just one part of the experience.

Waiting inside was a trio of knowledge in the form McConnell's leadership, Col. Ricky Rupp, 22nd Air Refueling Wing commander, his spouse Charlotte Rupp, and Chief Master Sgt. Kaleth Wright, 22nd ARW command chief. While most Airmen pass through the class rooms of an ALS, very few undergo a one on one session with the commander.

New media outlets offer leadership a way to reach our Airmen, the best way to communicate and get to know Airmen is a human connection, said Rupp.

After the breakfast Rupp held a question and answer session with the Airmen.

"I had a really good time today and he built rapport with me," said Senior Airman Jason Aiken, ALS student. "I have never gotten a one on one with the wing commander before, so to see him open his house to us makes me feel wanted and appreciated."

When Rupp arrived at McConnell he established a trio of intents: set and achieve goals, foster a culture of excellence and develop the next generation of leaders.

The breakfast was one way to develop the next generation of supervisors by sharing experience, said Rupp.

"Having time with him has helped me by showing me how face to face conversation can help me out with the Airmen I will be supervising to get open communication," said Senior Airman Jacinto Flores, ALS student.

The ALS event by itself could not complete his intent. It is part of an assembly of events including Airmen, spouses, chiefs, ALS, officers and many more events, to help develop that next generation.

The event allowed a few McConnell Airmen to experience an approachable leadership where communication can flow in both directions and help develop leadership skills.

Hoping he had set the example and broken down barriers, Rupp said he would like to see them develop and pay it forward by starting traditions of their own such as hosting their Airmen or helping to make a difference.