PEASE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, N.H. -- Pease Air National Guard Base, N.H. – The 157th Air Refueling Wing welcomed the U.S. Air Force’s 64th Air Refueling Squadron back to Pease during an assumption of command ceremony July 8, 2022 at Pease Air National Guard Base, New Hampshire.
The ceremony, in which Lt. Col. Brandon Stock officially took command of the 64th ARS, was held next to the freshly painted “Spirit of Portsmouth” Boeing KC-46A Pegasus, the aircraft that both units fly.
“We are lucky to have you as our mission partners,” said Stock. “We look forward to working alongside you and helping define what the Total Force Initiative should be.”
As part of the U.S. Air Force’s Total Force Initiative, the Airmen from the 64th and 157th will work alongside each other on the most modern multirole refueling platform in the Air Force’s fleet, the KC-46A Pegasus.
“I am confident together we will continue the legacy we started here in 2009,” said Col. Nelson Perron, Commander 157th ARW. “And continue to improve on what those before us did.”
The 64th was temporarily deactivated when the 157th divested its KC-135, and worked on completing its conversion to the KC-46.
Attendees of the ceremony included members of the NH congressional delegation, leadership from McConnell AFB, NHNG leadership, as well as Airmen from both units.
“The return of the 64th ARS is further proof of the leading role New Hampshire and Pease serve in support of our national defense,” said Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. “We are so proud of everything that has been accomplished by this integrated force.”
By December of 2023 the unit, which proudly wears a unit emblem of a phoenix, will have a total of 160 Airmen assigned to Pease.
“The phoenix has risen once again,” added Stock.