Commentary Search

  • The tale of two chefs

    Once upon a time, two four-star chefs, working in a five-star restaurant, were charged with creating a specular meal. Each chef began making their most delicious recipe, however, halfway through their preparations, both chefs reached for the one and only orange in the entire kitchen.

  • Relationships in leadership

    Please humor me and think about your favorite assignment or job. What made that assignment or job so special? Did you feel important? Did you feel respected? Did you feel your work mattered?

  • What’s in a buzz word?

    How many times have we heard the words resiliency, innovation, mentorship or diversity?

  • Leadership boat driver

    This has been an amazing summer. Although the temperatures are still warm, there is something about the Labor Day weekend, it marks the end of summer. School is starting which often brings different emotions to different people, but for me this long weekend signifies the official close to lake

  • Air Force family

    Lately, there has been lot of focus on social media and water cooler discussions on what the Air Force gets wrong, and how hard the Air Force lifestyle can be.

  • Flexibility

    Most of us have studied the professional development guide, also known as the Air Force Handbook 1, and read about the tenets of airpower, some have even thought, “This doesn’t apply to me.”