This 'logistics' thing Published Nov. 4, 2010 By Lt. Col. John O'Connor 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- "My logisticians are a humorless lot; they know if my campaign fails, they are the first ones I will slay." - Alexander the Great Though we've come a long way since the days of Alexander, his sentiment remains true to this day. This is displayed by Napoleon's invasion of Russia, Gen. Robert E. Lee's advance on the North, Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. History provides numerous examples of how successful warfare relies upon effective logistics. So, what is this "logistics" I speak of? Logistics can be best described as the art and science of planning and carrying out the movement, support, and maintenance of forces. In other words, logistics includes all the activities required to prepare, transport and sustain a military unit during a campaign. Closer to home, the 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron ensures the 22nd Air Refueling Wing's ability to deploy Airmen, weapon systems and equipment. We do this by planning for and providing the right materiel, fuel and transportation in support of operational plans and Air Expeditionary Force taskings. To accomplish this, the 22nd LRS is comprised of the best logistics planners, aerial transporters, vehicle operators, vehicle maintainers, vehicle managers, traffic managers, fuels and supply personnel in Air Mobility Command, all working together toward the same goals: Ready Airmen and Families, Ready Base and Ready Mobility. Logistics and Ready Airmen and Families The wing's goal of Ready Airmen and Families relates to several functions within the 22nd LRS; the one that is arguably the most visible is mobility bags. In short, we plan for and forecast mobility gear requirements and outfit all McConnell Airmen with chemical warfare protective ensembles, M-9 and M-16 weapons, sleeping bags and other related items. We also store, account for, exercise and redistribute mobility equipment items as required to ensure our Airmen deploy with the right gear every time. Without this support, the 22nd ARW would not be able to deploy forces in support of AEF taskings or operational plans. Logistics and Ready Base Another goal, Ready Base, involves a host of 22nd LRS functions and responsibilities that includes fuels, vehicles unit deployment managers and deployment augmentees. To do this, we store, issue and account for aircraft fuel, unleaded gas, diesel and bio-diesel products. We also validate fuel integrity to ensure there's enough on-hand to meet operational plan requirements. We also maintain all non-leased government motor vehicles to ensure they're ready for aircraft maintainers, fire department or civil engineers, to conduct their missions keeping the base ready. As "owners" of the wing's deployment process, we train unit deployment managers and integrate augmentees from across the base for cargo and passenger processing functions during contingencies or exercises. Logistics and Ready Mobility To meet our wing's third goal, Ready Mobility, we provide wing-level direction for cargo and personnel processing through our Deployment Control Center during real-world and exercise scenarios. We also manage AEF taskings and champion the development of the installation deployment plan. We go a step further by storing, shipping and delivering aircraft spare parts and other supplies related to maintenance, ensuring critical aircraft spares are kit-ready to deploy at a moment's notice. We also possess passenger and cargo loading/offloading capabilities, utilizing special vehicles such as a 25K loader, various equipment items, pallets, nets and straps to help maintain a ready posture for organic or transient airlift. Everybody wants some It takes a dedicated group of professionals to integrate and synchronize all the moving parts and pieces to achieve a common goal. The men and women of the 22nd LRS are the best I've ever seen. They accomplish amazing things every day. So when you receive an AEF tasking, see a bus driving by, pickup your "chem bags", need JP-8, when your crane is broken, when you order a part for your aircraft, fly Space-A or when you need to sign out a vehicle for the day, 22nd LRS makes it happen. Anything. Anywhere. Anytime.