22nd MDSS: Supporting the vision

  • Published
  • By Maj. Melissa Pammer
  • 22nd Medical Support Squadron commander
In keeping with the wing vision, the 22nd Medical Support Squadron is instrumental in keeping the 22nd Medical Group ready to maintain the human weapon system.

Our vision is to ensure maximum peacetime and wartime readiness by providing ancillary, logistical, administrative, resource and system support for 22nd MDG. We do this by providing and integrating cost-effective and customer-focused support for the medical and dental operations that serve an eligible beneficiary population of 21,750, including units aligned to support the aerospace expeditionary force.

In order to succeed in our mission, our flights within the squadron must each work together to be prepared.

This means ensuring that Airmen newly arrived at McConnell are enrolled, along with their families, in the TRICARE operations and patient administration flight, who are in charge of medical records, and maintain them for appointments, on or off base. To ensure the integrity of these records, the systems flight keeps the computers up and running.

The systems flight is the 22nd MDG hub for coordination with the 22nd Communications Squadron. They are critical to the 22 MDG mission because throughout the day, medics use various network systems including: Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Applications Composite Health Care System, Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support and Preventative Health Assessment/Individual Medical Readiness and the Air Force Complete Immunization Tracking Application.

These systems assist in ensuring all members of Team McConnell are medically ready.

Another integral part of the 22nd MDSS is the Resource Management office, which is responsible for our two greatest assets, manpower and money, with all active-duty, civil service personnel and contractors, allowing the 22nd MDG to do its job.

Without the civilian counterparts of the 22nd MDSS, the clinic would have difficulty continuing operations during deployments and exercises. The budget accounts for more than basic supplies and materials used in the course of helping patients, there are numerous accounts set aside for contingency response programs, at home and for deployed and for Guard and Reserve medical partners. They also play a big part in the procurement of new equipment, kept in check by the biomedical equipment technicians in Logistics.

The logistics flight is comprised of smaller elements, BMETs, facility management and of course, "Loggies."

The BMETs work on and keep records of the 22nd MDG medical equipment, informing the staff of any required replacement equipment. Facility managers are also responsible for keeping the 22nd MDG looking and functioning at its best.

Loggies keep the group ready by ensuring supplies are where they are needed, when they are needed. These supplies can include anything from include pens and paper, or can include band-aids and gauze all the way through blood vials, X-ray film and medications utilized by the diagnostics and therapeutics flight, another important limb of the 22nd MDSS.

The diagnostics and therapeutics flight consists of lab, radiology and pharmacy. As the name implies, these sections are there to assist Airmen in receiving appropriate medical diagnoses, primarily through blood tests, X-rays and ultrasound. If medication therapy is required, pharmacy will be the final stop.

Though each flight within the 22nd MDSS is of great importance to maintain its mission, the medical readiness office is the focal point that brings the 22nd MDGs readiness theme together.

They ensure training is up-to-date and medics are appropriately positioned in their deployment cycles. As the smallest flight of 22nd MDSS, they do some of the hardest work. When a deployment tasking is handed down, they coordinate who will fill the billet, starting the pre-deployment process, and procuring the necessary equipment to help send the deployers off.

As the commander of such a diverse squadron, it amazes me every day the support the Airmen provide to each other, the group and the wing who help support Ready Airmen, Ready Base and Ready Mobility.