To the men and women of Air Mobility Command

  • Published
  • By Gen. Raymond E. Johns Jr.
  • Commander, Air Mobility Command
I am truly honored to join the AMC team. It is a privilege to serve with you, the men and women who make our global mobility mission happen each and every day. You are the thread that binds our nation's combat capability as you are the enablers of Unrivaled Global Reach for America...Always!

As your commander, I want to briefly share my leadership philosophy on what you can expect from me, and in turn, what I expect from you. First and foremost, I promise to dedicate myself to ensuring you are properly organized, trained, and equipped to carry out the no fail mission of defending this great nation, preserving liberty, and delivering Rapid Global Mobility.

I recognize that accomplishing the mission safely and smartly hinges on our ability to effectively care for one another. To this end, I will work tirelessly to ensure you are provided everything you need to succeed personally and professionally. You are the reason we are the greatest Air Force in military history. You are what make this command go, and I am committed to doing all I can to help you grow. You are my priority and you deserve nothing less than my very best effort each and every day...that's a promise!

Together, we are writing a new chapter in history and defining the future of American airpower. You should feel a justifiable sense of pride in your contribution to our nation's defense, and you need to know you have my complete trust. Trust is one of the greatest gifts we can share with others and forms the cornerstone of all great teams. Trust is also contagious. When people trust one another, there is nothing they cannot achieve together. It's always been my experience that trust thrives when leadership expectations are clearly shared and understood by everyone, so here are mine:

Leaders set a high standard. If you place the Core Values of Integrity, Service and Excellence at the center of your personal and professional lives, you should always achieve this goal. In turn, I promise that I'll maintain the courage to do the right thing - always! Never forget, YOU are the standard.

Leaders take care of their people. It is our Airmen who drive our global mobility mission to success, and they deserve loyalty and respect. Loyalty and respect must be multi-directional. They should flow seamlessly between bosses and peers, as well as those placed in a leader's care. Know that I expect each of you to treat those around you as you would have your family treated...with compassion, courtesy, loyalty, and respect.

Leaders are innovative and think outside the box. As President John F. Kennedy once said, "conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." This doesn't mean we have a license to violate established standards and technical orders that may place the mission or our people at risk. Instead, it should challenge us to continually stretch beyond the narrow confines of the status quo. I expect you to push hard for personal and organizational improvement and trust that I've got your back.

Leaders are positive. "Yes" is one of my favorite words and sets the tone for any relationship. "Yes" empowers, inspires, uplifts, and should be a leader's initial position. Unless it's illegal or immoral, our attitude should be "Yes, we CAN do it!" The truth is we CAN do anything, but we can't do everything. Choose wisely...choose "Yes" whenever you can.

And last, but certainly not least, we must continue to take care of our families. Our families are the unsung heroes of this Command and are critical to our team. They selflessly endure repeated TDYs, extended deployments, and missed celebrations. We work hard for our mission, and we must work harder for our families. They deserve nothing less!

In the next few months I look forward to experiencing our Command's global mission first-hand, and above all, meeting with you...the active duty, Reserve, Guard, civilians, contractors, and family members who compose AMC. As professionals dedicated to finding solutions to meet our nation's challenges, you are an innovative team focused on high standards of performance and committed to caring for one another. I truly could not be prouder to be your commander.