Make 2008 the Year of Achievement Published Jan. 10, 2008 By Michael W. Wynne secretary of the Air Force Washington -- Happy New Year! I am so proud to begin another year serving with all of you as secretary of this great Air Force. You performed magnificently as an Air Force in 2007, and our nation needs you to have a repeat performance in 2008. As we begin this new year together, I want us all to set the personal and organizational goals necessary to capitalize on the past year's efforts and make 2008 the "Year of Achievement." Set your goals for the year. I encourage each of you to set personal goals that will take care of your mind, body and your family, so you are ready to defend our great nation today and in the future. Additionally, each organization should set goals focused on accomplishing their specific missions with excellence and while taking care of their people. To accomplish the Air Force Mission, Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley and I need every unit and individual to continue to develop, maintain and sustain the warfighter edge, so they are prepared to fight alongside their joint brothers and sisters anytime, anywhere. Achieving our Air Force goals. In 2008, our Air Force will continue to train and equip warrior Airmen to fight and win the current war while also preparing our Air Force for the uncertain future. This year we will also continue to achieve results toward the Air Force g I previously established. For example, we will achieve successful results in the critical modernization of our aging aircraft inventory by putting the top two Air Force acquisition priorities on contract -- the new air refueling tanker and the new combat search and rescue helicopter. As we set the stage for the future, we will also break new ground by applying innovative technologies in areas such as alternative energy and cyberspace. Building on last year's certification of the B-52 to fly on synthetic fuel and the first-ever transcontinental flight on 'synfuel' by a C-17, we are taking aggressive steps to certify the entire fleet to reduce dependence on foreign oil. We will also achieve a major step toward providing global effects across our air, space and cyberspace domains when the new Air Force Cyber Command reaches initial operational capability status targeted for October. This new command will lead our cyberspace forces and ensure dominant air, space and cyberspace power for the 21st century. All of the program successes we see in 2008 will result from incredible efforts by our Guard, Reserve, active-duty and civilian Airmen. In 2007, you did an excellent job of planting the seeds - let us all set goals to achieve and harvest the results in 2008!