18th Air Force Commander's Intent

  • Published
  • By Lt. Gen. Carlton Everhart
  • 18th Air Force
Mobility Airmen,

The men and women of 18th Air Force, Air Mobility Command and the Air Force serve our nation on the foundation of our core values; integrity, service and excellence.

Those who have come before us have taught us there is no replacement for virtue, character, dignity and respect. This holds true for today's Airmen as well, and if we choose to accept a lesser standard, we do so at the risk of tarnishing our image in the face of the nation. If we fail, the reputation of all who serve is tarnished.


We have the most professional and combat-ready force successfully performing the mission on a global scale. I ask you to lead boldly and accept nothing less than impeccable moral courage. Have the strength of character to step up and do the right things even in the most difficult situations. Ultimately you are accountable not only for your actions, but also for failing to take action when necessary. Our legacy of excellence is built on an adherence to exacting standards and we will not accept anything less.


Integrity, Service and Excellence carry special meaning for all of us and we share these values with the great warriors and public servants of the past. I challenge each of you to reaffirm your commitment to our core values by finding new ways to live these values each and every day. This reaffirmation will strengthen the trust between Airmen, and our commitment to one another.

Thank you for what you do to move this enterprise in the right direction and remember that it is an honor to be called an "Airman."