22nd MDSS Airman earns spotlight performer

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Victor J. Caputo
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating one or more of the 22nd ARW commander's intents: Foster a culture of excellence ... Develop the next generation of leaders ... Set and achieve goals.

Staff Sgt. Brandon Tull, 22nd Medical Support Squadron medical maintenance NCO in charge, joined the Air Force in 2003 and has been at McConnell for almost two years. When he is not training and mentoring Airmen, he enjoys spending time with his wife Ashley, working out and playing disc golf and other sports.

As the medical maintenance NCOIC, Tull manages over 900 equipment items for the 22nd Medical Group. His work ethic and attention to detail has enabled his duty section to maintain a 98 percent work order completion rate.

"During his off duty time he actively participates on the 22nd MDG softball, volleyball and football teams," said Capt. Benjamin Wilson, 22nd Medical Logistics Squadron commander. "He is also very involved with his local church serving as one of their youth leaders."

Tull puts the commander's intent into action by setting and achieving goals. Nine months ago he set out to become one of seven 22nd MDG physical training leaders. In six months he lost 30 pounds and increased his physical training test score by eight points. His steadfast dedication to his new lifestyle of eating right and not finding excuses to miss a workout allowed him to realize his goal. He is currently leading PT twice a week. He became the example to follow, and continues to inspire those around him to become better Airmen, said Wilson.

Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
The most positive influence on my life is my wife, Ashley. She has always helped me strive to be the best person I can. We have always worked well together and have been purposeful with our lives and what we would like to strive to be.

If you could give advice to a new Airman, what would it be and why?
If I could give advice to a new Airman, I would tell him to navigate and take charge of his own career. No one will have as much invested in their careers as themselves. Take in all the advice and expertise of peers but know what you want to do and plan your events and milestones to achieve what you want most.

What is one goal that you have already accomplished, or would like to accomplish, during your Air Force career?
One goal that I would like to accomplish not only while I am in the Air Force but continue when I retire is to be a man of integrity. I would like people to say that I was a positive influence on their life and that I helped them when they needed it.

Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
The most interesting place I have ever traveled would have to be Iraq. I know it's not really a place that people would normally travel to, but after deploying to Balad Air Base, Iraq three times in my career, I feel like it is an interesting place when you take so many different kinds of people, throw them together and practice medicine quickly and efficiently.

If you had the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
If I had the opportunity to meet anyone in the world it would have to be Dave Ramsey. I would like to meet him because 6 years ago during the first years of my marriage, my wife and I went through a program developed by Dave Ramsey to help with finances. Since then my wife and I have become debt free and I personally believe it didn't only change our marriage, but impacted our whole lives.