22nd MDSS member earns spotlight performer

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Laura L. Valentine
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Airman 1st Class Michael Mitchell, 22nd Medical Support Squadron outpatient records technician, has been in the Air Force for a year and a half and has been stationed at McConnell since completion of technical training with his wife Felicia. The San Antonio, Texas, native enjoys watching and playing sports, going to the movies and volunteering at the humane society.

Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
My wife is definitely the most positive influence in my life. I was fortunate to have her in my life prior to starting my Air Force career, so she has been a constant supporter of the many challenges that come with serving your country. She is, and will always be, my motivation to strive to be the best in order to be a better provider for my family.

What would you like to accomplish during your Air Force career?
I would like to progress through the ranks either enlisted or officer. I would also like to obtain my master's degree in psychology and work as a psychologist for the military, whether active duty or as a government employee.

Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
The Philippines was the most interesting place I've been. Although I was younger when my father was stationed there, I still remember the culture being very different from the one I was accustomed to. Living there made me appreciate my own culture, but it also helped me keep an open mind in regards to other cultures and appreciate the different experiences they have to offer.

What is your favorite book/ movie and why?
"The Speed of Trust," by Stephen M. R. Covey became my favorite book because of the tips it not only gives current leadership on inspiring trust within their organization, but it also gives good information from an employee standpoint on how they can improve to become leaders and what they should be looking for in a good leader.

If you have the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
I would meet President Barack Obama. I would be interested in not only knowing any pressures he feels in being the first African-American president, but also how difficult it is actually running a country, opposed to campaigning on how you would run the country if you were elected.