22nd Communications Squadron member earns spotlight performer

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Laura L. Valentine
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Tech. Sgt. Bronelle Grayson, 22nd Communications Squadron, Communication Focal Point helpdesk NCOIC, has been in the Air Force for 16 years. She has been stationed at McConnell for the past eight months with her husband Greg, daughter Jaylen, 12, and son Lawrence, 7. Sergeant Grayson's hobbies include cookouts, road trips and quality time with her family.

Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
My mother because she is the strongest woman I know. She raised a family, worked full time and still found time to go back to college. She was able to get her Bachelor of Science in nursing without missing a single sporting event or important milestone in any of her children's lives.

What would you like to accomplish during your Air Force career?
I recently found out I made master sergeant so my next step is to apply for First Sergeant School, which I will do immediately upon returning from my deployment.

Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
I would have to say Sarajevo, Bosnia, in 1998. This was my first deployment downrange, and the first time I saw firsthand what war could do to a country. While there, we had the opportunity to work with the local community. We handed out school supplies, shoes and the very basic necessities of life. That's when I realized no matter how bad you think you have it; someone else is probably doing worse. I vowed to never take advantage of the freedoms we have in our country.

What is your favorite book/ movie and why?
I love reading anything by Tony Morrison. She is an amazing authoress, and her books literally come to life while I read them. I can picture myself in her stories and I usually don't stop reading her books once I start.

If you have the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
If I could meet anyone in the world it would be the late Alex Haley. He left such a mark on African American history via his books, movies, lectures and interviews. He had the chance to interview many great Americans from our past. His books spoke of our countries' true history, and I would love to sit down with him and just hear stories from his life.