22nd ARW member earns spotlight performer

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Abigail Klein
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Capt. Grey Shelfer, 22nd Air Refueling Wing Flight Safety officer and KC-135 Stratotanker Instructor pilot, has been in the Air Force for more than eight years. He has been stationed at McConnell for two and a half years. His hobbies include cooking, reading, politics, travelling and cheering for the Florida Gators.

Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
It might be a bit cliché, but I'd have to say my father. His quiet leadership and unparalleled integrity have definitely been a model to emulate. The epitome of unselfishness, my dad always found a way to ensure that family came first.

What would you like to accomplish during your Air Force career?
I would really like to return to the Air Force Academy as either a professor, or an Air Officer Commanding. I remember those officers who were role models to me during my cadet years, and having a similar opportunity to inspire future leaders would be an awesome responsibility.

Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
Visiting Egypt and seeing the Pyramids firsthand had always been on my "bucket list." I finally had the opportunity to travel there a little over a year ago on a business effort to support Egyptian Air Force F-16's, and witnessing those ancient marvels was truly an amazing, perhaps once in a lifetime, experience.

What is your favorite book/ movie and why?
My favorite book would probably have to be "Ghost Soldiers" by Hampton Sides. It's a story about a little known special operation between American troops and Filipino guerillas, designed to rescue prisoners of war who were Bataan Death March survivors. While the mission itself wasn't significant from a strategic perspective, it did represent our commitment to never leave a fallen comrade behind.

If you have the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
I would want to meet former President George W. Bush. His resiliency and fortitude in times of paramount crises stand as an example to future leaders. Furthermore, his dedication to the military was visibly heartfelt, and I believe he is the true embodiment of a servant leader.