22nd CES member earns spotlight performer

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Abigail Klein
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Airman 1st Class Nicole Schlamann, 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron Readiness and Emergency Management journeyman, has been in the Air Force for more than two years. She has been stationed at McConnell since completing her technical training. Airman Schlamann's hobbies include backpacking, reading, painting, cooking and playing volleyball.

Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
My mom is the most positive influence in my life. She has seen me through everything from broken bones to broken hearts. I know I can always rely on her to give me the best advice for all of life's tough lessons, and for the occasional recipe.

What would you like to accomplish during your Air Force career?
When I was going through Warrior Week in basic training, I remembered thinking to myself how jealous I was of the cadre and how I wanted so badly to have their job. It wasn't until I went to technical school that I realized that the cadre I envied was trained in my career field and that I could apply for the same position. Ever since then, my goal has been to return to Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, as a Warrior Week instructor. One of my favorite aspects of my job is teaching CBRN to the base populace. I hope to one day use my instructor skills to help develop the future of the Air Force.

Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
This summer I spent three months at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs teaching CBRN to the upcoming sophomore cadets, and taking them through the confidence (tear gas) chamber for their "Global Engagement" program. Colorado has always been my favorite place in the world. Being able to enjoy the Rocky Mountain scenery everyday was like Christmas. It probably wouldn't be considered the most interesting place, but between all the hiking and sightseeing, it's definitely been one of the best experiences I've had so far.

What is your favorite book/ movie and why?
My favorite movie will forever be "50 First Dates." I love that a man, despite the medical circumstances of his significant other, was so willing to work hard each and every day to make her fall in love with him all over again. I think that's the mentality we need to have in our relationships in order to really make them work.

If you have the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
I would love to one day meet the family members I have in Germany. They are my grandpa's siblings, and the stories he's always told us about them and their history have intrigued me to find out more about my family roots.