Guard Airmen help active duty Command Post

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class David Bernal Del Agua
  • 22nd Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Active duty, guard, and the reserves encompass the main components of the Air Force. While total force integration wasn't always a primary strategy, it is now a common practice in the military.

McConnell's active duty component, 22nd Air Refueling Wing command and control section, called upon its Air National Guard neighbor, the 127th Command and Control Squadron for help in early July.

Airmen from the 22nd ARW command and control section were unable to perform their daily missions when a cryptographic system broke after a modification and they couldn't download classified data files.

"We couldn't figure out what was wrong at first," said Tech. Sgt. Samantha Morgan, 22nd ARW command post NCO in charge. "We later found out we had the wrong checklist and procedures for the new modification."

The guardsmen's extensive training with satellite operation systems enabled them to resolve the problem within 24 hours.

"They are trained to be command post, they are not trained to handle satellite systems in-depth," said Senior Airman Jameson Williams, 127th CACS radio frequency transmissions specialist. "When it comes to troubleshooting, we can offer our assistance because we have more extensive training."

Command post received insight on the system's background and how it works.

"We were able to help them out and find the problems they were having," said Williams. "We trained them on what they were doing wrong so they wouldn't make the same mistake in the future, so hopefully they are able to do it on their own next time and have less down time."

The problem was fixed by checking different processes and figuring out the software malfunction.

"It was more of a trial and error procedure," said Staff Sgt. Souraphon Keodouangkham, 127th CACS radio frequency transmissions specialist. "We followed their checklists and found where the problem lay."

The effort was led by fluid communication between both wings' command chief master sergeants.

"The two command chiefs talked and that's how they figured out we were over here," said Williams. "It was great to go over there and help. We provided assistance and showed them we could help."

To maximize Air Force resources, bases are becoming more integrated, and the lines between different Air Force components may seem blurry at times.

Whether it's a reservist, guardsman, or active duty member, everyone wears the same uniform and serves the same cause.