MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, Kan. -- As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.
Staff Sgt. Cody Nelson, 22nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron aerospace propulsion craftsman and assistant flying crew chief, received the spotlight performer for the week of May 30 – June 3.
"Staff Sgt. Cody Nelson exemplifies the meaning of our core values," said Tech. Sgt. James Metts, 22nd AMXS aerospace propulsion craftsman. “He has repeatedly shown what our mission means to him by performing at 110 percent on a daily basis and was formally recognized after his last deployment by receiving an Air Force Achievement Medal for superior performance. He’s an outstanding NCO who autographs his work with excellence.”
Nelson, a Kelseyville, California, native, joined the Air Force in June 2012 and arrived at McConnell in November 2012. His hobbies include fishing, snowboarding, wakeboarding and golfing.
Who is the most positive influence in your life and why?
My high school teacher and search and rescue leader, Joanie Holt, is the most positive influence in my life. She showed me what it took to lead a group successfully and that anything is possible with the proper motivation.
If you could give advice to a new Airman, what would it be and why?
I would tell them to learn the standards set by your supervisors and then learn how you are able to exceed them in any way possible.
What is one goal that you have already accomplished, or would like to accomplish, during your Air Force career?
The main goal in my career path would be to achieve Officer Training School selection and become an officer for the Air Force.
Where is the most interesting place you have traveled and why do you feel that way?
The most interesting place I have visited would probably be Japan. It was cool to see the different culture they live in and try the amazing food they consume daily.
If you had the opportunity to meet anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
If I had the chance to meet anyone, I would want to meet country singer George Strait. He is an artist that I grew up to listening and has been a very successful singer.