• Fighters can't fight alone

    McConnell’s 22nd and 931st Air Refueling Wings sent tankers to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, in support of Exercise Red Flag 21-3 from July 17 to August 6.

  • Ducemus... We Lead!

    Col. Nate Vogel, 22nd Air Refueling Wing commander, delivers a message about McConnell Air Force Base and its aerial refueling mission.

  • McConnell's KC-46 refuels Ellsworth’s B-1

    A KC-46A Pegasus, taxis to the runway May 17, 2021, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The KC-46 flew to a training area near Rapid City, S.D., where the crew worked jointly with a B-1B Lancer aircrew from the 37th Bomb Squadron, assigned to Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D., to perform the first B-1

  • 931st ARW refuels the joint force during NE21

    Airmen with the 931st Air Refueling Wing (ARW) premiered the KC-46A Pegasus aircraft and its capabilities during Exercise Northern Edge 2021 (NE21) — a U.S. only joint-field training exercise held above the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex and in the Gulf of Alaska during May 3-14, 2021.

  • Breaking Barriers: First KC-46 all-female flight

    MCCONNELL AIR FORCE BASE, KAN.— A flight crew from McConnell Air Force Base tied back their hair, laced up their boots and made history as the first all-female flight on the KC-46A Pegasus Jan. 22, 2021.

  • Breaking the Ice

    Airmen from the 22nd Maintenance Squadron de-ice the wings of a KC-46A Pegasus using Global GL1800 de-ice trucks Oct. 28, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The de-icing process demands coordination between aircrews, marshallers and de-ice truck operators to ensure the safety of Airmen and

  • A new breed of pilot

    The excitement in the air was palpable as 2nd Lt. Alisson Moraes, 14th Student Squadron Undergraduate Pilot Training graduate, sat behind the controls of the KC-46A Pegasus during a tour of the aircraft Sept. 25, 2020.

  • Munitions flight helps to fuel the fight

    The terms “air refueling base” and “ammunition” are probably not linked in the minds of most people. But when it comes to all things ammo at McConnell Air Force Base, the 22nd Maintenance Squadron’s munitions flight runs the show behind the scenes.