• Don’t Give Up Campaign

    Senior Airman Brian Whitcomb, 22nd Healthcare Operations Squadron medical technician, right, and Airman 1st Class DeMario Morgan, 22nd HCOS medical technician, left, inspire members of Team McConnell Sept. 1, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. There were 13 members that stood at McConnell’s

  • 22nd CPTS services portal coming soon

    The Air Force is implementing a Comptroller Services Portal across all installations to give service members and Department of the Air Force employees’ access to financial assistance at any time.

  • DFAC supports wing operational readiness exercise

    Airman 1st Class Dyves Martin, 22nd Force Support Squadron food service shift lead, builds boxed meals for alert force personnel during the Operational Readiness Inspection Aug. 19, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The exercise is a four day performance-based readiness evaluation used to

  • Fire station 1

    Airman 1st Class Jeff Farrell, 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron fire protection apprentice, checks the power steering fluid during a morning truck checkout Aug. 4, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. During these daily checks, firefighters ensure everything from the hose nozzles on the truck to

  • Maintainers perform A-check on KC-46

    Airman 1st Class Joshua Tillman, 22nd Maintenance Squadron crew chief, assists Airman 1st Class Francisco Ramirez, 22nd Maintenance Squadron crew chief, with a 4A-check on a KC-46 Pegasus Aug. 3, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. Tillman and Ramirez removed the panels to access the flight

  • A Day at the Lab

    Staff Sgt. Maria Sibert, 22nd Medical Support Squadron lab technician, cleans a chemistry analyzer July 20, 2020, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The chemistry analyzer tests plasma samples for abnormalities such as high or low cholesterol, electrolytes, thyroid hormones and diabetes. (U.S. Air

  • The Letter to My Mom – Beyond the Blue

    It is not what happens in life that makes me who I am, but it's how I am able to overcome obstacles that I face. Going through abuse shaped the way I thought, made me question who I trust and even changed my perspective on life.