Feature Search

  • Fire chief celebrates 50 years of service

    In the midst of an increasing American presence in the Vietnam War, he was attending community college while playing football and baseball on a scholarship. Before he finished his degree, he dropped everything and joined the U.S. Air Force."I knew the draft notice was coming," said retired Master

  • Mother's career inspires Airman

    Many Airmen count their family members among the most influential people in their lives.For Senior Airman David Clauson, this is especially true: the 22nd Aerospace Medical Squadron medical technician's father is an Air Force veteran, three of his five brothers are serving or have served as Airmen,

  • McConnell's tax center brings millions back

    McConnell's Tax Center provides a free tax filing service for military members and their families, retirees and civilians on base and has brought in an excess of $2.1 M.Airmen volunteers and contractors who are specifically trained to handle military personnel related tax inquiries offer this

  • 350th Air Refueling Squadron Airman earns spotlight performer

    As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.Senior Airman Ben Sedlacek, 350th Air Refueling Squadron boom operator, was selected as the spotlight performer for the week

  • 22nd Medical Group Airman earns spotlight performer

    As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.Barbara Blake, 22nd Medical Readiness Flight medical emergency manager, was selected as the spotlight performer for the week

  • McConnell Couples: preparing for deployment

    Senior Airman Rebekah Beagle and Staff Sgt. Erik Beagle, both members of the 22nd Civil Engineer Squadron, are in a unique position: they are looking forward to an upcoming deployment, which is unusually optimistic for a young, recently-married couple.The excitement lies in a rare opportunity they

  • 22nd LRS: Moving McConnell

    During a base-wide exercise in October 2014, news came through that an F-16 Fighting Falcon had gone down 70 miles outside of McConnell Air Force Base near Moline, Kansas. However, this wasn't part of the exercise, it was a real-life emergency and representatives from the 22nd Logistics Readiness

  • New tankers in old memories

    As the Air Force veteran and former Boeing Co. mechanic flipped through fragile scrapbook pages full of memorabilia, old pictures and newspaper articles sparked memories of his days as an Airman and his experience working for Boeing on the brand new model of KC-135R Stratotankers.Glen Mishler spent

  • 22nd Director of Staff Airman earns spotlight performer

    As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.Staff Sgt. Chelsie McCall, 22nd Air Refueling Wing Safety ground safety technician, was selected as the spotlight performer

  • 22nd Maintenance Group Airman earns spotlight performer

    As a spotlight performer, individuals are chosen by leadership for demonstrating the Air Force's Core Values: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do.Tech. Sgt. Christopher Hunding, 22nd Maintenance Group maintenance qualification training program instructor, was selected