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  • From brat to boots

    I am a brat.Well, more like an Army brat but I am brat just the same. This means I am a proud child of an Army veteran, my dad.Since 1986, April has been designated as the Month of the Military Child to recognize the contributions and sacrifices children make for their military parents.Some of my

  • Finding the finish line

    Last year, I made the decision to ruck the Bataan Memorial Death March in White Sands, New Mexico. I signed up for the Military Heavy Division, which means rucking 26.2 miles while in uniform with a mandatory 35 pounds. I remember deciding not to train because I felt I was in shape and I thought it

  • From engine grease to Air Force blues

    I grew up covered in engine grease. In a dimly lit garage, I watched my grandfather rebuild classic cars. Sitting on the tailgate of his Ford truck, I learned how the world worked. We discussed politics, history, current events and common sense.I heard stories about his childhood in war-torn England

  • Helping our Air Force family

    How many of us have had a mother, father, brother, sister or child call us for help in their time of need? The request may have been a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand to get them through, a monetary request or just being present. No matter how we received the request for help, we stop what we

  • My experience with Green Dot

    I volunteered to teach this new program, Green Dot, without really understanding what it was all about. All I really knew was that it involved bystander intervention, in some way, shape or form.I searched online, read a few articles and saw the program was designed to stop personal violence, which

  • To be a better Airman, be a brave "lobster"

    While on the internet last week, I came across two videos I think illustrate important lessons for every Airman. The first video was of a speech by Dr. Ken Robinson. Robinson, an educator and author, told this great story about his son's school Nativity. Most of us are familiar with the Nativity and

  • Honored to serve in Honor Guard

    "Bearers, Attention."Standing motionless on the side of a cemetery road, rendering a perfect salute, waiting for the hearse to pass us and stop just paces away. The family, close behind, tries to remain together one last time before their loved member is lowered to eternal rest. Not many things

  • My Oath of Enlistment

    I have been asked many times throughout my career why I joined the military. I typically answer, "For fortune and glory, isn't that why everyone joined?" My response usually gets a little chuckle, which lasts long enough for me to change the subject. I change the subject because I don't believe why

  • Translating soccer goals to Air Force goals

    It's always been a love-hate relationship between us. When we are apart, I long for the memories we made together, and, inevitably, I am drawn back in again and again, but each time I am quickly reminded of the physical and mental toll I must pay, a toll that eventually drains every part of me. 

  • Finding strength, resiliency through Air Force family

    I joined the military to provide for my family, but I never would have expected the challenges my family would face and how we would evolve.When I enlisted in the Air Force I joined another family without intent. This family has been with me ever since, especially during my family's darkest