Commentary Search

  • Warrior medics

    Warrior medics? I admit that as a medic I've had my share of laughs over this phrase given our status as non-combatants. As a Medical Service Corps officer I've been teased from my line officer friends about my five-week Commissioned Officer Training where I had housekeeping that cleaned my room and

  • My job is prosecuting sexual assault

    Here's a simple truth...sexual offenders reject our core values of integrity, service and excellence, in favor of following their own base, undisciplined, criminal desires. Most sexual assaults committed by Airmen are "blue on blue," or Airmen victimizing other Airmen. So in addition to rejecting

  • Service before self...a family affair

    The Ravens of the 344th Air Refueling Squadron directly support the 22nd Air Refueling Wing's mission by delivering mission ready Airmen, skilled in KC-135 Stratotanker operations to combatant commanders ... "Anytime, Anywhere!" Our squadron performs this mission with what appears to be great ease,

  • Science fiction turns into reality

    As a child, I recall seeing an Air Force commercial of a KC-135 Stratotanker refueling two F-117A Nighthawks, but those aircrafts were not what etched the commercial into my memory. It was the moment of seeing a B-2 Spirit approaching the KC-135.The oddly shaped plane seemed somewhat

  • Not just about the network

    The 22nd Communications Squadron touches every aspect of the 22nd Air Refueling Wing to accomplish the mission quickly and effectively. However, the communications squadron is more than just the computers at Airmen's desks or the network that allows communication with others - the 22nd CS focuses on

  • Off to a ‘Right Start’

    This past Tuesday, I went through McConnell's Right Start, the introduction-to-your-base program the Air Force uses to help new Airmen after a permanent change of station. I had heard mixed things about it; after all, a briefing that lasts ten hours can wear anybody out. It really wasn't so bad

  • 'Logististicizing' our way to success

    Greetings Team McConnell! It's an honor to be here as the new 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron commander. In my first week on station I've had the opportunity to meet many of our dedicated professionals and look forward to the opportunity to lead our skilled and capable logisticians for Air

  • Making your own good ol' Air Force days...90 seconds

    We often talk about taking 90 seconds of face time because that's all that it takes sometimes to learn a little bit more about each other. When is the last time you talked with your supervisor about your goals? Not just about work, but your personal goals as well. Do you expect your supervisor to

  • The Courageous 56

    When 56 courageous patriots put their signatures to a single piece of parchment 236 years ago, the course of world history changed in an instant. Although we celebrate the fourth day of July as Independence Day, it should not be lost on us that those signatures were the culmination of months of

  • Why we ran for oral cancer

    On May 18, 2012, McConnell's Preventive Dentistry Element kicked off the "Kickin' Butts and Takin' Names Oral Cancer 5K Fun Run and Walk." McConnell has the highest tobacco use in Air Mobility Command, so we were excited about using this opportunity to educate a very susceptible